Thursday, July 2, 2009

Task 23- Final Thoughts

My final thoughts on 23 Things. I have enjoyed most of the tasks and learning about the new technologies. Some I found frustrating, such as Flickr and others I found I could spend a lot more time on, like LibraryThing. I can see that some would be applicable to work, such as RSS feeds and some to personal life, like iGoogle page. I really think I will use it more.

Unfortunately, when some of the links were broken or you were directed to an example that wasn't there, a lot of time was spent looking for these or assistance in working your way around this.

I am glad I did 23 Things but felt that I was rushed at the end to complete it as a lot of projects came up and made finding the time during the week difficult. This has left me thinking that I will still need to go back revisit some when I have more time.

In summary, I feel that I am no longer a Gen X struggling with Gen Y technologies, only a couple but hey, I can ask my Gen Y colleagues.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Task 22- Social Networking,,,,,

To be social or anti-social????

MySpace, Facebook & Twitter all modern Web2.0 applications for socialising. Time & distance are longer barriers to keeping touch with others all you need is a computer and an internet connection. It is a way of the younger generations and perhaps some older techno savs keeping in touch with family and friends.

I looked at Facebook, opened an account and was greated immediately by my nephews. Just goes to show the cool Aunty can become cooler by becoming a Facebook Friend. Now that I have a Facebook page I may tend to visit a little as I have found some other friends on the site.

So Facebook yes, Twitter maybe and no to MySpace afterall Facebook is enough.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Task 21- Twitter

Twitter!? What is all the fuss about? That is what I first thought and now I know.
Yes it has its place and some people are interested in what others are doing all the time. For me, it is something that I am not sure I would use regularly. We have all heard about it and know a little bit about it. Actually watching the television a few nights ago and add came on, and there is a guy sitting on the lounge 'voice twittering'. My husband said to me, "Is that twittering? What is the point?" I guess this is the reaction of many people.

I have to say even though I may not keep it up, but it was a nice simple task.

Task 20- Podcasts, Smodcasts

Podcasts are increasing in popularity particularly in Libraries. Here in the library we used them as part of O-week.
Yet, I found this task frustrating and to be honest gave up. I started eager but when the links did not work for Yahoo and I tried Podcastalley but did not find it user friendly.
I am still interested in learning more about Podcast but after spending a while and getting nowhere, even speaking to a fellow 23 Thing colleague. I simply gave up.

Task 19- YouTube

YouTube is one of those sites you can go to find many things from video clips for our favourite songs, snippets on different things, (like the man cold) and also the UQ Law Revue. It is one of these that I have added "I still call St Lucia home." I hope you enjoy it.

In fact I could spend a lot time on YouTube but we do have to stop sometime.

Task 18- iGoogle

Wow! My own homepage in iGoogle. It is easy. The thought of having a customised page on the Internet was something that I had always steered away from thinking how hard it would be. I have never wanted to create a website but do get tired of going to a number of sites to get what I need or want. The website said "Create your own home page in less than 30 seconds" and yes you can. I believe that I will use this. I will probably also use Google Docs as it is there on my homepage.

A nice simple task that did not take too long to do like some of the other tasks.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Task 17- Google

Google Maps... is this the demise of the atlas and the street directory. As a child I used to love sitting and looking at the atlas, the countries, states and trying to find my hometown. But now we can look at all that on the web, via Google, including getting directions.
I did find it interesting, I put in for directions from work to home, and the two alternate routes it gave are basically the way I travel with an average travel time of 1hour 10 minutes which becomes just over 11 hours if I was walking.

Google Docs....just another word processing program. But I believe it has advantages, some similar to Wikis. Just like a Wiki information can be shared by a number of people who are working on a presentation or assignment together (very good for group assignments with external students). It has the versatility of being able to work on a number of different formats such as PowerPoint presentations. The portability is another advantage of being able to access from any computer. Certainly something to keep in mind.